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Ghosting. Part 1

In the era of social networks there is increasingly trend to leave the relationship without saying goodbye - disappearing like a ghost. This phenomenon has received the name of ghosting.

How to end the relationship in the era of social networking? And in general, whether they need to stop? Not in the sense that we have finally reached the point of progress, when the separation are not necessary.

Although today there are plenty of apps to find the ideal partner, we are still breaking up. The question is whether all this obsolete procedure is necessary? "You're such a nice guy, the best! Let`s... never meet again!" It is difficult and unpleasant. The interviewee may become frustrated or, conversely, begin to thank you - and then you have to live with it. It is much easier to change your status of "in a relationship" to "it's complicated", or even better - to exclude him from the friends list. Then he guesses everything.

The end of the relationship - is by definition an unpleasant situation and sheer embarrassment. So, it turns out, to exclude your partner from friends - today almost a bold move. Psychologists and experts in the field of social communications discuss a new phenomenon of ghosting, what means to disappear, to dissolve in the environment slowly. First such “Casper” doesn`t like your selfie, then does not respond to a message - and so gradually disappears from the process.

According to experts, today is the same as disappear from reality

What changed? Why ghosting became a form of separation, which characterize our time? People are constantly disappear out of the relationship, and they did so long before the invention of the Internet. Dating and flirting consultant Haley Quinn argues that today communication - almost continuous process. That is, twenty years ago, when the lovers wanted to talk, they spoke on the phone.

It is unclear where you will find the companion, what is his mood, what he is doing. Very different from today's flow of messages and likes. When you have your phone in your handall day long, everything is much clearer. Doesn`t call, doesn`t answer the phone? Clearly, the bastard. Today there are at least three stages. Does not get the message long, because offline. Got a message, but still had not read it (he ignores it?) - online. He read the message - and no reaction. The main thing here, experts advise not jump to conclusions. Give him time: a minute or two...

Process of communication is continuous; all accelerated significantly, and ghosting is gaining popularity because it is very convenient. Even experts, who seem to be trying to attract our attention to the problem, recognize that in some cases ghosting is irreplaceable. For example, to dump the school boyfriend, who suddenly emerged after fifteen years, or after the bad blind date. For example, you have met using the app, share photos in Instagram, see mutual friends on Facebook - finally decide to meet offline. And then - arrr! Here is the worst boyfriend in the world. In such cases, experts say, you can "turn on the Casper." Read more with our chatroulette alternative blog!