
The secret to a successful relationship – how to quarrel

When you and your partner are in a good mood, it is easy to get along with each other. Another thing is a quarrel. To relationship lasted longer, learn to quarrel properly, says writer Brianna Vist. Compatibility between two people can be determined in different ways based on personal qualities of partners. Everyone knows the key factors of compatibility: common values, quality communication, and mutual fidelity. But the most important factor remains unnoticed is your style of argument. That's how you quarrel or dispute, determines the strength of the relationship in the future. When both partners are in a good mood, they are not difficult decisions under pressure and everything goes like clockwork is easy to get along. Problems either strengthen or destroy the relationship. It is not accidental - it is in these moments you see something you need to know about a person. Below is a list of styles that people use during an argument, from the failure to the most effective. The transition to a healthier style will benefit the majority of couples. But even more important is that both partners are using the same style, when people are discussing in different styles, to settle the conflict hardest. Learn more with our omegle chat blog.


Partners do not discuss the problem seriously: as soon as one of its lifts and one translates the subject. People in this style are refusing to recognize the feelings or opinions that disagree with their interests. They tend to result in counter, to get personal and become aggressive. Usually it is a consequence of brittle "I" - the people unbearable to hear that they are wrong. They do not want to even think to change the behavior for the sake of another person.


Such people initially suppress the feelings, and then lose their composure. They are afraid that others will not notice their feelings or give them value, but at some point in their overflowing emotions, and they are "explode". The reason is simple - people are tired of the feeling that their ideas do not mean anything. Anger and emotional outbursts they are trying to prove their worth. Another trait characteristic of these people - after a fall, they quickly forget about it and continue to behave as if nothing had happened.


People notice the dominant type of emotions of another person, but do not listen to them. Instead, they find a way of district to persuade the opponent: their emotions are based on incorrect or misleading information. People with the dominant style are usually not enough sensitivity; although they are usually vulnerable and emotional people. That is why they do not want to admit that we acted correctly or hurt someone. Look Narcissus protects sensitive person from the outside world.


People with this style have one goal - to reach a compromise. Painful self-esteem is not typical for them, so they quietly accept the arguments of others and express their views in response. These people control the tone of voice and perfect hold of. They use special tricks that discussion did not come out from under the control, for example, make a break in a dispute or lead notes during the conversation.