
Proven ways to have fun during sex, part II

Second part of our little research about sex; stay online with omegle video chat blog.

Be a good girl

"One day my companion and colleague for lunch invited me to a party for your friends - Olga, 27 years, PR-manager. - We have a great time, the atmosphere was relaxed, I jokingly flirted with one of the young men (as a joke, because she was in a relationship at the time). At the end, when everyone began to say goodbye and to disperse, he came up to me and invited me to swing the party. I politely refused. But he suddenly began to persuade me: "Come on, what you are afraid of? Nobody will bite, if only she did not want to. " I got angry. Why, if I do not want to engage in sex experiment, a man automatically comes to the conclusion that the only reason for failure - fear? Believe me, I have tried in different sex and firmly believes that all manifestations of sexuality, if they do not infringe upon the freedom of others, are permissible. But this does not mean that everyone must love all. I think that many confuse with promiscuous looseness. I do not sandwiched sheep, I simply know very well what I like and what does not. We have the right to love a quiet, gentle, "vanilla" sex on the white sheets with a regular partner and not like anything else. " If you want something that will turn you on – try bazzoocam.

Do not be ashamed of addictions

"I am a feminist. No, I do not go out on the street with placards, not fighting for the right not to shave their legs and armpits (this is a private matter). But I am convinced that men and women should have equal rights in everything, whether it's social life, politics, sex or a career - says Antonina, 32, a lawyer. - Women should be first and foremost a wife and mother? I beg of you - we do understand what role we want to play in life. But what role I want to play in sex? To answer this question it is surprisingly more difficult than I could have imagined. The first time I tried to role-play a year ago. He was the lord, I - the slave, to perform any desire. I realized that I get turned on submission. I felt fantastic feeling in the process. But the next morning I faced a wave of painful experiences, I certainly think any form of unacceptable violence. As it turns out, I thought. My preferences in sex are contrary to the beliefs? Can I love the rigidity in sex (even in the form of a game), when millions of women suffer from the real violence? I have long thought about it and came to the conclusion that this is feminism: any one of us has the right to choose. If my choice - so why should I be ashamed of it "5 You have the right to feel sexy," It was a long time ago, at the institute's party, I discovered that to keep an eye very cute guy with me, - says Sarah, 34 years? Financial Consultant. - We started to flirt, and everything was fine until the moment when my girlfriend is not whispered to me that he is rumored to be "finished a pervert." Then I did not dare to check on personal experience than he has earned such a reputation. But since then, every time I paid attention to a sexy man, I immediately wondered - if he was a pervert.